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Q: What is Ensuring that a field must contain two values is an example of a?
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How do you sort string values by field calculator in ArcMap?

For example, there are few string values of "1-5", ">5", "0-0.9", and "<0" from one field in attribute table. Then I need to sort both "1-5" and ">5" to a new field. How do I make the field calculator for this? Thank you!

Why null values in database?

The 'null'-content of any given field is just that. It's a 'nothing'. Example, if you create a database to hold chemical values for instance. If the values are, for example, real nubers. That would imply that any value that has 0 in it, is just that; zero. It was beeing measured, and found to contain zero. On the other hand if a value was not tested, the value of that compound should be set to 'null'. If a 'null' value isn't supported by the database a workaround is to set 'null' values to -1 (as per the example above). --

What is a multivalue attribute relating to database?

A multivalue attribute is the practice of maintaining more than a single value in a database column. Lets say for example you want to know the hobbies for a client. The proper way to handle this is to maintain the data in a one - to - many child table. Another way is a multivalue field. This in effect is a text field (varchar, etc) that will contain one or more values, separated by a comma (as an example). This of course is NOT the way to go and will cause performance problems in parsing the information and make many reports and logical use of the data very difficult (but possible).

What field data type can contain any characters?


What is the type of field is used for money value in access?

Dear Sir, Currency is used as a type of field for money values in access. Dev

Related questions

What determines the kind of data that a field can contain?

The data type of a field determines the kind of data it can contain. For example, a field with a data type of "Text" can contain letters and numbers, while a field with a data type of "Number" can only contain numerical values. The data type is set when designing the database schema.

What determines what field values are allowed and what other properties the field will have?

Field values and properties are determined by the data type of the field. For example, a text field will allow any string value while a number field will only allow numerical values. Other properties of a field, such as length or required status, can be set by the user or developer configuring the field in a database or application.

Which type specifies the kind of data a field can containn and how the field is used?

The data type specifies the kind of data a field can contain and how the field is used in programming. It defines the values that a variable can hold, the operations that can be performed on those values, and the memory space required. This helps ensure that operations performed on the field are appropriate and accurate.

What does the term primary key mean?

The primary key refers to the field in a database that would contain only unique values. For every row in the table, the value in this field would definitely be unique. for example in an employee table, the employee number field would be the primary key. no two employees would have the same employee number.

How do you sort string values by field calculator in ArcMap?

For example, there are few string values of "1-5", ">5", "0-0.9", and "<0" from one field in attribute table. Then I need to sort both "1-5" and ">5" to a new field. How do I make the field calculator for this? Thank you!

What are the various reasons that lead to the occurrence of NULL values in relations?

A given field in a database table might be for a values that, in certain case, no such values exist or can be determined. For example, in an employee database, a field might be a foreign key to that employee's direct manager. However, in the case of the CEO, there is no such person. In that case, the field would be set to Null.

Why null values in database?

The 'null'-content of any given field is just that. It's a 'nothing'. Example, if you create a database to hold chemical values for instance. If the values are, for example, real nubers. That would imply that any value that has 0 in it, is just that; zero. It was beeing measured, and found to contain zero. On the other hand if a value was not tested, the value of that compound should be set to 'null'. If a 'null' value isn't supported by the database a workaround is to set 'null' values to -1 (as per the example above). --

What specifies the kind of data a field can contain and how the field is used?

The data type of a field specifies the kind of data it can contain, such as text, numbers, dates, or boolean values. The field's properties and configurations determine how it is displayed, validated, and used within a database or software application. It helps ensure data integrity and consistency when entering, storing, and manipulating data.

Specifies the kind of data a field can contain?

A field's data type specifies the kind of data it can contain, such as text, numbers, dates, or Boolean values. This helps ensure data integrity by restricting what type of data can be entered into that field, preventing errors and inconsistencies in the database. Choosing the appropriate data type for each field is important for accurately storing and organizing data.

What is legal-values integrity?

Legal Values integrity basicly forces what Legal Values are allowed in a field. For an example, types of boats could be row, sail, steam, or nuclear. You could not then try to later put bass, or fishing in there.

When creating a new field in a table what column is optional?

The "NULL" column in a table is typically marked as optional when creating a new field. It allows for the column to contain null values, meaning it is not required to have a value for every row in the table.

What type of field cannot hold duplicate value in ms access?

A primary key field is always unique. Any other field that you have can be set to not allow duplicate values if necessary too.A primary key field is always unique. Any other field that you have can be set to not allow duplicate values if necessary too.A primary key field is always unique. Any other field that you have can be set to not allow duplicate values if necessary too.A primary key field is always unique. Any other field that you have can be set to not allow duplicate values if necessary too.A primary key field is always unique. Any other field that you have can be set to not allow duplicate values if necessary too.A primary key field is always unique. Any other field that you have can be set to not allow duplicate values if necessary too.A primary key field is always unique. Any other field that you have can be set to not allow duplicate values if necessary too.A primary key field is always unique. Any other field that you have can be set to not allow duplicate values if necessary too.A primary key field is always unique. Any other field that you have can be set to not allow duplicate values if necessary too.A primary key field is always unique. Any other field that you have can be set to not allow duplicate values if necessary too.A primary key field is always unique. Any other field that you have can be set to not allow duplicate values if necessary too.