Data is everything, the quesiton you asked consisted of data.
data is the entity on which programs written or work. like library systems it is student details, book details on which program works.
Data backups
The three types of master data discussed are reference data and enterprise data. Lastly, there is also market master data.
Retrieving Data,Inserting Data,and Deleting Data.
Data warehouse is the database on which we apply data mining.
A data field is a place where data can be stored. It may be a column in a database or a field in a data entry form.
Metadata is data that is about data.?æ Although it describes the data, it's not considered business data. Master data is business data. Run-time data is data that is in the process of being run.
Data Store Data Reserve Data Stow Data Warehouse Data Repository Data Depot Data Storehouse
A data dictionary is a repository that contains definitions of data processes, data flows, data stores, and data elements used in an organization. It helps to provide a common understanding of data terminologies and structures within a dataset or system. Data dictionaries are often used to maintain consistency and clarity in data management and analysis processes.
Data formats: It is formating all data file from pcs.whatever it is not use.suppose when data is full,and some data we want to delete it.. Data collection: It is the collection of new data file.when new data is collecting..
Metada data is data that describes other data.
Data cleaning is where the data may have missing data such as gender and the data manager has to go back to the source to find the data or data is incorrect and has to be corrected back at the source.
No, Moving data is not same as duplicating data. When we copy data that causes duplication of data . And while moving we are just changing the storage location of data.To copy data is duplication, but to move data does not cause duplication.
The initial data that you collect is raw data.
a noun u can get data and use data but not do data
Data files are data whereas data records are backups.
Measurable data is data that can be measure by a quantity. Measurable data is also known as quantitative data.
Measurable data is data that can be measure by a quantity. Measurable data is also known as quantitative data.