

What is a fixed vector?

Updated: 9/27/2022
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10y ago

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Fixed vector is one which has unique point of application. the action of the force on deformable or non rigid body must be specified by a fixed vector at the point of application of the force. in this instance the forces and deformations within the body depend on the point of application of the force,as well as on the magnitude and line of action.

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The size of a vector is not fixed at time of compilation as it can be altered by events that can be written into code. For example, a vector can have a new Node pushed to the back when something happens, altering the size of the vector during run-time.

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Yes. A vector is defined as having magnitude and direction (in reference to a fixed frame). Changing either of these properties redefines the vector.

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There are over fifty sites for downloading free vector art. Since vector images do not have fixed images, the image is allowed to be altered without losing the image quality.

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In a fixed frame of reference a spiral vector would be a combination of a linear vector and a rotational vector.In a rotating frame of reference a spiral could be a single linear vector but only to a viewer external to the frame of reference.

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The size of a vector cannot be fixed because a vector is a wrapper for a dynamic array where resizing occurs automatically (by virtue of the vector class). So, even if you reserved enough memory for n elements in advance, the vector will resize automatically as soon as you push more than n elements. A normal dynamic array does not resize automatically (you have to manually resize the array in order to accommodate more elements than you've allowed), and is therefore more suitable for a fixed size dynamic array. However, if you embed a vector in your own class wrapper (such as fixed_vector), you can reserve n elements in the vector via the constructor, and subsequently control how many elements are pushed onto the vector. Once n elements are pushed, any subsequent elements can be ignored, perhaps raising an exception for added safety.

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Vector images are drawn out according to mathematical figures and coordinates so no matter the resolution of the vector image the quality will be the same. Adobe FireWorks uses PNG for its format but SVG is also another format of vector images. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. Other formats like JPG and BMP have a fixed resolution because the whole image is in the file and no rendering is required.

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Free vectors have no fixed point of application and can be moved around without changing the physical meaning. Bound vectors are tied to a specific point and cannot be freely moved without altering the physical interpretation of the vector.

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The rate of change of position in a fixed direction is called velocity. It indicates how quickly an object is moving in the specified direction. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the speed and direction of motion.

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Can a vector be represented in terms of unit vector?

Yes, a vector can be represented in terms of a unit vector which is in the same direction as the vector. it will be the unit vector in the direction of the vector times the magnitude of the vector.

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