A theodolite is a tripod mounted level used to measure horizontal and vertical distances and a measuring tape is a tape marked with increments: usually feet and inches (but also other increments such as tenths)
ruler, yardstick, or meterstickA ruler or measuring tape ... mind you you can use anything as a tool to measure .... so long as you know the length of the tool you are using ...
Strapping tape is a popular type of tape that athletes use. It is used for athletes to tape their wrists in order to prevent injury. The tape limits the movement of the joint and protects it from injury.
One use is as insulating tape. Another is as jointing tape in plumbing.
Measuring tape.
INSTRUMENTS USED IN MEASURING ARE: ruler tape measure measuring cup
This depends on what you are measuring. A tool that can be used is a tape measure.
Steel tape is the perfect industrial measuring tool used to measure products. It is especially used for measuring irregular and regular shapes.
it is used for measuring length of something
Measuring tapes used by tailors are not made of elastic because elastic materials can stretch over time, leading to inaccuracies in measurements. A non-elastic measuring tape ensures consistent and precise measurements for tailoring garments.
A piece of string and a ruler or tape measure.
A measuring rod or tape.
A measuring tape.
A tape measure in sewing is usually made of fabric or vinyl and is flexible so it is good to be used for measuring irregular surfaces like neck, bust, waist, hips, wrist, et cetera.
A caliper, a ruler and a tape.
It is a measuring tape.