If you must evaluate two or more expressions separately, use multiple if statements. If you only need to test all the possible evaluations of a single expression, use a switch.
Statements are composed from expressions. A semi-colon turns an expression into a statement. A function is not a statement it is a type definition. A statement block is a compound statement, one or more statements delimited by braces, {}. A function block is the body of a function. The body must be enclosed in braces, {}.
In languages that use a C-style syntax (e.g., C, C++ and Java) all code is written using expressions. Expressions may be combined to produce more complex expressions, however an expression or group of expressions only becomes a statement when terminated by a semi-colon. A group of statements enclosed by braces {} is known as a compound statement or code block.
For clasesses it defines from which class to inherit. :: means area of visibility in certain name space.
Yes, you can have multiple expressions in the increment poart of the for loop statement. Just use the comma, and each expression will be evaluated from left to right.
an inequality
That is called an inequality.
an equation.
A statement that equates two equivalent expressions is called an Identity.
A(n) _____ is a mathematical sentence that compares expressions that are equal.
an inequation
An equation.
An equation.
An equation.
If two mathematical expressions are equal then they form an equation.
An equation.