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Abstract data type

A mathematical entity consisting of a set of values (the carrier set) and a collection of operations that manipulate them. For example, the Integer abstract data type consists of a carrier set containing the positive and negative whole numbers and 0, and a collection of operations manipulating these values, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, equality comparison, and order comparison.


To abstract is to ignore some details of a thing in favor of others. Abstraction is important in problem solving because it allows problem solvers to focus on essential details while ignoring the inessential, thus simplifying the problem and bringing to attention those aspects of the problem involved in its solution. Abstract data types are important in computer science because they provide a clear and precise way to specify what data a program must manipulate, and how the program must manipulate its data, without regard to details about how data are represented or how operations are implemented. Once an abstract data type is understood and documented, it serves as a specification that programmers can use to guide their choice of data representation and operation implementation, and as a standard for ensuring program correctness.

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linked list like single linked list......,double ....,circular



abstract also known as advanced data type.....

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It uses double the amount of memory as the float abstract data type. That is why it is "double".

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advantages of abstract data type

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