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Split the binary value into groups of 4 bits (half-a-byte). Translate each nybble to its corresponding hex digit. Use the following table to translate each nybble:

0000 = 0x0

0001 = 0x1

0010 = 0x2

0011 = 0x3

0100 = 0x4

0101 = 0x5

0110 = 0x6

0111 = 0x7

1000 = 0x8

1001 = 0x9

1010 = 0xA

1011 = 0xB

1100 = 0xC

1101 = 0xD

1110 = 0xE

1111 = 0xF

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Q: What is procedure given in class to convert binary to hex?
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