"statified sampling" is a way of getting an 'average' which represents the entire universe, or every thing that exists that somebody wants to count or measure. The entire universe is broken down into groups that dont overlap and a 'sample' is taken from each group. If it is done to the satifaction of statiticians, it can be as accurate, if not more because of the problems of counting and measuring everything, than a total count of measurments.
Random Sampling is the most common sampling technique
conclusion to the statistics sampling
Sampling is needed in order to determine the properties of a distribution or a population. Sampling allows the scientist to determine the variance in an estimate.
It means...Layers that are "PRESSED" together.
sampling theorem is defined as , the sampling frequency should be greater than or equal to 2*maximum frequency, and the frequency should be bounded.. i,e fs=2*fmax where fs= sampling frequency
semi stratified sampling
They include: Simple random sampling, Systematic sampling, Stratified sampling, Quota sampling, and Cluster sampling.
stratified random sampling is a sample(strata) that a same and hemogenieous in group and that a different and heterogenious in group
ang hirap!
The main difference between the quota and stratified sampling is that in the stratified sampling the researcher can not select the individuals to be included in the sample (he doesn't have control over who will be in the simple), but in the quota sampling the researcher has control over who will be in the sample (he can contact certain people and include them in the sample).
stratified sampling technique
simple random, stratified sampling, cluster sampling
Stratified sampling
Simple Random Sample Stratified Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Systematic Sampling Convenience Sampling