0X at the beginning represent a number in the hexadecimal system of units.
FFFF is the hexadecimal equivalent of
i) 65535 in decimal system of units
ii) 1111111111111111 in binary system of units
In unsigned notation, 0xFFFF (65,535 decimal) is the largest value that will fit in a 16-bit register. In signed notation, 0x7FFF (32,767 decimal) is the largest because the most-significant bit denotes the sign.
3310 = 1000012
8 in decimal is 1000 in binary
The number 6 in binary is 110
Write algorithms and draw a corresponding flow chart to convert a decimal number to binary equivalent?
The decimal of 4.14 is equivalent to 4.140 as a decimal
equivalent decimal for 6.0250
what is an equivalent decimal for 6.0250
equivalent decimal for 0.59 = 0.590
equivalent decimal for 2.926 = 2.9260
Decimal equivalent of 58 = 58.0
equivalent decimal to 3.71 = 3.710
decimal which is equivalent to 16 = 16.0
The decimal 0.02 is equivalent to 0.02
equivalent decimal for 3.400 = 3.4
equivalent decimal for 0.2 = 0.20
equivalent decimal for 4.7 = 4.70