differenve between frequency management and channel assignement
A balanced bridge has zero volts across the two test nodes, while an unbalanced bridge has non zero volts.
'Balanced loads' apply to three-phase a.c. loads. A three-phase kilowatt hour meter will measure both balanced and unbalanced loads, when correctly connected.
For a balanced three-phase load, the neutral current is zero, so the loss of the neutral would have no effect.However, for an unbalanced load, the 'difference' between the line currents results in a neutral current.So, for an unbalanced load, if no neutral current can flow, then the load's neutral point will no longer remain symmetrical, and the line voltages will become unbalanced. If the unbalance is severe, then individual loads may be subject to over-voltages or under-voltages.
what is the difference between an assembler and the translator
Total supply must equal to total demand in the transportation problem,but each supply and demand value is 1 in the assignment problem.
there is nothing like a balanced and unbalanced transformer.
Unbalanced forces is when the forces are 0N or more. Balanced forces are 0.
deed of undertaking
Transportation barrier means transportation if barred - not allowed. Transportation corridor means transportation is allowed.
Cars = ground transportation Airplanes = air transportation
The assignment would be a comparison/contrast assignment.
An assignment is the transfer of a lease between the current tennant and a prospective tenant. A sublet is a lease held from a lessor who has a superior landlord.
An assignment is something you're assigned to do, homework is work that you do at home so therefore a homework assignment is work that you're assigned to do at home.
differenve between frequency management and channel assignement
A balanced bridge has zero volts across the two test nodes, while an unbalanced bridge has non zero volts.
In balanced transportation models, the supply of transportation modes is equal to the demand, ensuring efficient allocation of resources. Unbalanced transportation models, on the other hand, have mismatches between supply and demand, leading to inefficiencies and potential congestion. Balancing transportation models is essential for optimizing network performance and improving overall transportation system effectiveness.