

What is the gas constant R for air?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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16y ago

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General gas constant is R = 8.31 J · K-1 · mol-1

Air gas constant is Rair=R/28.97=0.2869 (J/g K)=286.9 (J/kg K)

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Q: What is the gas constant R for air?
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What is the nature of p-v curve for air expansion in a pneumatic cylinder when the temperature is constant?

PV = RT is the ideal gas law P-pressure V-volume R-gas constant T-temperature then the equation becomes PV = constant therefore P = 1/V pressure becomes inversely proportional to the volume. hence as the volume increases the pressure decreases.

What is the formula of density of air at particular Temp?

from the equation of state pressure = density * gas constant * temperature

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series circuits have 1 pathway they have constant current(Amperes) not constant voltage. Resistance=R+R+R+...

What is the different between centrifugal and positive displacement compressor?

compressor work on two principles 1)reduce volume of a constant amount of gas 2)adding more gas in a constant amount of volume positive displacement compressor works on first principle it reduces the volume of gas by applying force on it but gas amount is constant in every stroke or rotation thus increasing the pressure. centrifugal compressor work on second principle it adds more amount of gas in a given constant volume thus the pressure increase.

How does air temperature affect sound speed?

The speed of sound in air changes clearly with temperature, a little bit with humidity − but not with air pressure (atmospheric pressure).Statement: The static air pressure p_ and the density ρ of air (air density) are proportional at the same temperature, because the ratio p_ / ρ is always constant, on a high mountain or even on sea level altitude.Notice: The ratio p_ / ρ (static air pressure to air density) is really always constant.

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"Characteristic Gas Constant"The constant 'R' used in the characteristic gas equation PV=RT , has a constant value for a particular gas and is called 'Characteristic gas constant' or 'specific gas constant' . Its value depend upon the temperature scale used and the properties of the gas, under consideration.The value of R will be.For atmospheric pressure air,R= 287 J/kg/k

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Some common names for the gas constant, ( R ), include ideal gas constant, universal gas constant, and molar gas constant.

What is the difference between universal gas constant and characteristic gas constant?

The Universal gas constant is R is independent of the gas taken.. While the Characteristic gas constant depends on the mol. mass of the gas.... The Characteristic gas constant of a gas or a mixture of gases is given by the molar gas constant, divided by the molar mass (M) of the gas/mixture. R(Characteristic) = {R}/{M} Well,this is just the basic...u can relate them both to the Boltzmann constant.. Here are some of the standard values for both: Values of R Units 8.314 472(15) J K−1 mol−1 0.082057 46(14) L atm K−1 mol−1 RChar for dry air Units 287.058 J kg−1 K−1 ok,i guess this is it!Hope this clears it...

Does the gas constant R vary with temperature?

No, the gas constant, or any constant, is constant meaning it doesn't change.

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If the temperature of a gas is constant, multiplying its pressure by its volume will always equal a constant value, known as the ideal gas constant R. This relationship is described by the ideal gas law: PV = nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles of gas, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and R is the ideal gas constant.

What is the R in the ideal gas law?

the ideal gas constant D:

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The gas constant is the same for all gases: R = 8,314 462 1(75) J/mol.K

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Combined gas law states:" The ratio between the pressure-volume product and the temperature of a system remains constant: p.V = k.T "k is a constant which only is proportionally depending on the amount of gas.

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The ideal gas law states P*V=n*R*T where P is the pressure of the gas, V is the volume of the gas, n is the amount of substance of gas (also known as number of moles), T is the temperature of the gas and R is the ideal, or universal, gas constant, equal to the product of Boltzmann's constant and Avogadro's constant.

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The value of the ideal gas constant, also known as the universal gas constant, is approximately 8.314 J/(mol·K) or 0.0821 L·atm/(mol·K).