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Live load is the external load coming on the structure. It is also called as Imposed load.

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Q: What is the live load?
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What is the difference between live load and roof live load?

Live load Both are the same Live load is all the live loads which can be consider as variable load. Roof live load This is limited to few categories. man who climbed on to the roof can be consider as roof live load.

What is a live load?

Live load is a load on the object other than the load from itself.

Is imposed load same as live load?

Imposed loads - or live loads, movable loads that act on the structure when it is in use Imposed load = Live load ;)

What the reason if dead load same with live load?

Because a live load can be self-ambulatory. A dead load will always require transport.

Is wind blowing against a tree a dead load or live load?


What are the two types of floor load a building is subjected to?

dead load and live load dead load is the load of weight that is on the floor that is part of the construction of the house live load is the weight you add to it as in people furniture etc,

What is dead load of a crane?

Dead Load is the weight of the crane components not included in the live load.

What is the dead load and a live load and a dynamic load of an arch bridge?

The dead load is the weight of the bridge itself. The live load is things like traffic, wind, rain, etc. The dynamic load are things like earthquakes, big gusts of wind, and other things.

What is a live load bridge?

a live load bridge is a truck or a weight that after the bridge is made then you put the weight on the bridge and see if it holds!

What is the live of load of a bridge?

The weight of the stuff on the structure is called the live load. Things that move in or on a structure, like people and cars, are examples of live load. A live load causes compression on the bridge deck. If you apply too much weight, the beam will fail because it can't support the heavy weight of the live load above it. To strengthen it, thicker beams are used. Then, it is less likely to bend. Thick beams are used in structures that experience live and dynamic loads.

What is the difference between a dead load and a live load?

A dead load is a permanent force, acting on a structure.This includes the weight of the structure itself.A live load is a changing, or non-permanent force acting on a structure.This includes the force of the wind and the weight of things that are in or on a structure.

Is vegetative roof a dead load or live load?

Although it's counterintuitive, the saturated soil and vegetation are considered a dead load.