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3500W, or 3.5kW

Power is measured in Watts; one Watt is 1 joule of energy converted/used per second. So, 3500 joules a second is 3500 Watts.

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Q: What is the power of an electrical cable car that uses 3500 joules every second?
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What is the between work and power?

Work is how much energy is transferred, measured in Joules. Power is how fast or slow the work is transfered, measured in Joules per second. One joule per second is called one Watt of power. This meams a 60 Watt light bulb converts 60 joules of electrical energy into roughly 15 joules of light and 45 Joules of heat every second its switched on for.

How many joules are in 59.4 watts?

"59.4 watts" means "59.4 joules every second"

Are joules small or large?

You decide that for yourself, whether you consider it small or large. To give you an idea, watt means joules/second, so a 40-watt light bulb uses 40 joules every second.

Does a 150 watt bulb do 150 joules of work?

No, a 150 watt bulb consumes 150 watts of power, which is equivalent to 150 joules per second. The work done by the bulb depends on the time it operates for.

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A 600 watt drill uses 600 joules of energy every second because power is calculated as energy used per unit of time.

What is the energy used every second known as?

Energy / time is known as power. In SI units, time is measured in seconds, energy in joules; the unit for joules / second has the special name watts.

The power of a light bulb that converts electrical energy at a rate of one hundred joules per second is?

1 joule is the energy equal to 1 watt for 1 second.100 joules = 100w for 1 second.A 100 watt light bulb converts 100 joules of electrical energy into heat and light every second.Only about 1% of this is useful light, the rest is wasted as heat.AnswerPower is defined as the rate of doing work. As work is expressed in joules (J), it follows that power is measured in joules per second (J/s) -however, in SI, this is given a special name: the watt (W).So one joule per second is exactly equivalent to one watt. Therefore, 100 J/s is exactly equivalent to 100 W.

What is the measurement in time for 4 kilowatts?

"kilowatts" is a rate, not a time. A kilowatt is 1000 watts, or energy being transferred at 1000 joules per second. (A watt is a joule per second.) Your question means the same as this question: "What is the measurement in time for 100 forty-watt lightbulbs?" You can leave the lights on as long as you wish. Collectively, every second they will convert 4000 joules of electrical energy to light and heat energy.

If a 17 foot wind turbine can produce 3 Kwatts is that per day or hour or minutes?

3 Kilowatts is a measure of electrical power and means the wind turbine produces 3,000 joules per second. So the question is fairly meaningless, assuming the wind is at the right speed it will be producing 3kW every second, every hour and every day!

What does power 200 joules mean?

Power represents the rate at which work is done or energy is converted. In this case, a power of 200 joules means that 200 joules of energy is being transferred or converted every second.

What is the mathematics equation to find horsepower?

Horsepower = (number of joules of energy every second) divided by (746).

How many joules of energy go in a radio?

Radio waves are energy. Electromagnetic energy to be exact. The amount of energy a radio wave has will depend on the amount of power the transmitter has, the amount of amplification, the quality of the cable connecting it to the antenna and finally the antenna. The amount of energy is usually measured in watts.