the delay line is used to delay the incoming signal vertical information and synchorized it with the horizontal
CRO is an analog instrument.
The delay line is used to delay the incoming signal vertical information and sync it with the horizontal. Old scopes used a series of LC combinations tuned to get a good waveform representation. The HP scope I had used a very very long coil of coax cable as the delay line and got much better waveforms than the LC delay line scopes could, but the coil of coax was bulky (about a foot long by five inches wide and 1.5 inches thick).
Question answer here...
supply potable water
A: Its purpose is to correct the power factor of the line.
block diagram of CRO means pictorial reprasantation of collaction of all parts of CRO ie.vertical amplifier, delay line,trigger circuit, time base genarator,horizontal amplifier ,electron gun&scree
The usual purpose of a filibuster is to delay legislative action.
The term AV delay refers to Atrioventricular Node delay. It is an important function in the human body as it makes sure that the atria have gotten all of their blood transported to the ventricles before they contract.
the purpose of a number line is to help math.
The duration of Cro is 1380.0 seconds.
delay box is a term in drag racing to describe an on board timer which is a transmission brake delay timer which forces the race car to remain stationary at the starting line.
delay line memory loops
CRO is an analog instrument.
no cro is not an amplifier.....its cathode ray osiloscope
Cro ended on 1994-10-22.
Cro was created on 1993-09-18.