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A variable data is anything that won't necessarily be the same every time you run a computer program. It may come from user input, from a random function, from consulting a database, etc.

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Q: What is variable data?
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Which of the following is not a variable data type real integer number or string?

FILE, struct stat and struct tm are some examples.

Which data type can store any data?

There is no such data type. However, when we use user-defined data types of our own type, then that type of data can be stored in a variable. So as a term, you may say that user-defined data type can store any data. As the data-type used in any variable will be depending upon us.

What specifies a variable's name and data type?

Most programming languages require that you declare all of the variables that you intend to use in a program. A variable declaration is a statement that typically specifies two things about a variable:* The variable's name* The variable's data typePosted by Special:Contributions***EDIT***This can be found on page 56 in "Programming Logic and Design" by Tony Gladdis

What is a valid variable data type?

1. If its natural or integer numbers- Integer(Int) data type. 2. If it consists of decimal or fraction part- Double or float data type. 3. If it has a single letter or sign- Character(Char) data type. 4. If its got many words(alpha-numerical)- String data type. 5. If the result has to be "true" or "false"- Boolean data type.

What two things must you normally specify in a variable declaration?

This is when you specify the name and type of the variable.Example:int number;The declaration line can also include an instantiation for that variable.Example:int number = 5;When you declare a variable or an object (particularly in OOP programming) , you set aside a chunk of memory space for the data to reside.

Related questions

What is one variable data What is two variable data?

One variable data are measurements or recordings of the values of one characteristic of the subjects which are being studied. Two variable data refer to two characteristics. Examples of one variable data: hair colour, or height Examples of two variable data: hair colour and eye colour, or height and mass.

A set of data involving one variable?

A set of data with one variable is a net-graph

What are the components of a variable?

A variable typically consists of a name, a data type, a value, and a memory location where the value is stored. The name is used to reference the variable in the code, the data type defines the type of data the variable can hold, the value is the actual data stored in the variable, and the memory location is where the value is stored in the computer's memory.

What type of data can line graphs display?

Line graphs are used to display data to show how one variable (the Responding variable) changes in response to another variable (the Manipulated variable).

How do you measure a responding variable?

A responding variable is measured by collecting data through observations or experiments. It involves tracking changes in the variable as a result of manipulating the independent variable. The data is then analyzed to determine the effect of the independent variable on the responding variable.

Where is the independent variable on a data table?

The independent variable on a data table would be located on the y axis of the data table. The y axis is the bottom of the data table where the names or the objects being tested. The independent variable is dependent on the dependent variable. That's why it is called independent variable.

What variable is the data you hope to change?

Usually, the independent variable is X.

What is the name of the variable that describes data using words or numerals as labels?

The variable that describes data using words or numerals as labels is called a categorical variable.

What defines a data type?

the type of data which we store in a variable.. example: int a=10; /*here a is variable (data) which is of type int and stores a value 10.*/

Can a qualitative data be a dependent variable?


Which variable is the data collected?


What is univeriate data?

Univariate data refers to data that consists of a single variable or attribute. It involves the analysis of this single variable without considering any other variables. This type of data is simple to analyze and can provide insights into the distribution, central tendency, and variability of the variable.