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1st Law: Law of Inertia

An object will stay at rest or a constant volocity until acted on by an outside force

2nd Law: law of acceleration

The net force on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration

3rd Law: Law of recipricol actions

Every action has a equal and opposite reaction
1. An object at rest will remain at rest or and object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. 2. Force=Mass x Acceleration. the bigger the force is the bigger the acceleration will be 3. For every action there is an opposite but equal reaction.

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1. WHEN SOMETHING is in motion it stays in motion

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Q: What were Isaac Newtons 3 laws?
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What was Isaac newtons accomplishments?

what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.? what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.?

What was isaac newtons acheivements?

He wrote the laws of motion and the theory of gravity.

What was Sir Isaac Newtons scientific area of interest?

laws of motion

What is Isaac Newtons theory called?

Well he fundamentally proposed a few theories. But he is eminently known for introducing the 'Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy'. These principles include Newtons 3 laws of motion and his Gravitational Constant. If you want to know what they are, google, Newtons 3 laws. He was quite smart!

Isaac newton has credit for what?

discovering gravity, newtons three laws of motion

Why is Newtons the measurement of force called Newtons?

It is named for Sir Isaac Newton who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation.

What is the name of the scientist who gave us Newtons three laws of motion?

Albert Einstein

What is isaac newton called?

Well he fundamentally proposed a few theories. But he is eminently known for introducing the 'Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy'. These principles include Newtons 3 laws of motion and his Gravitational Constant. If you want to know what they are, Google, Newtons 3 laws. He was quite smart!

What were isaac newtons parents occupations?

Isaac Newton is father died 3 months before Isaac was born, and when Isaac was 3 years of age, his mother remarried

What were Isaac newtons contributuions?

Newton's contributions are many including, the1. 3 Laws of motion, 2. the Principia, 3. the Law of Gravity, 4. the Calculus and 5. the Reflective Telescope

When did isaac newton make newtons laws of motion and laws of universal gravitation?

He published the laws of motion on July 5th 1687 in Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.

Who invented Newtons?

Isaac Newton invented Newtons.