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I believe it was in the 1840's but George Boole the inventor of Boolean Logic lived from1815 - 1864

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Q: When was boolean logic invented?
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Who invented boolean logic?

George Boole

Who invented Boolean logic and what was his occupation?

George Boole, he was a mathematician.

What did George Boole invent?

George Boole invented the digital computer logic also known as Boolean logic.

What type of logic did George Boole invent in the 19th century?

He invented what is now simply known as Boolean logic. It is what is used in modern computers.

Boolean logic gates are combined what type of packages?

All packages. Everything digital is boolean logic.

What is the difference between Boolean algebra and mathematical logic?

Boolean Algebra is the study of the algebra of logic whilst Mathematical logic is a way of applying Boolean algebra. Other applications include set theory, digital logic and probability.

What are the basic logic operators in Boolean algebra?

AND, OR, and NOT are the basic operators in Boolean Algebra.

What is an AND gate?

An AND gate is a logic gate performing a Boolean logic AND operation.

What is logic 0 and logic 1?

Logic 0 and logic 1 are the two states in digital (or binary) logic. A binary numbering system has but two numbers: 0 and 1. In contrast, we use a decimal system with 10 numbers: 0 to 9. The area of algebra that addresses binary (2-state) logic is called Boolean. In Boolean a logic 0 may be refered to as 'low', 'off' or 'false'; a logic 1 as 'high', 'on' or 'true'. Boolean logic is the foundation of digital electronics.

What has the author Kathleen Levitz written?

Kathleen Levitz has written: 'Logic and Boolean algebra' -- subject(s): Boolean Algebra, Symbolic and mathematical Logic

Why do you need to express logic functions using Boolean descriptions?

Boolean algebra is a mathematical method used to describe the behavior and operation of digital logic. Boolean descriptions and relationships can help us design logic and predict the behavior of more complex digital systems.

Who invented boolean?

George W. Boolean. AK