Francisco Falero
sorry but I am trying to find out this answer for homework and its not on my worksheet
Three Chinese inventions that still exist today are gunpowder, which is still used in firearms and fireworks; the magnetic compass, which is still used for navigation; and paper, which is still widely used for writing and printing.
non technical writing are not techincaly real writing
The difference between technical writing and composition writing is that the technical writing deals with writing off on the basis of rules that must be thoroughly proofread, while composition writing deals with writing from your imagination, with no guidelines or rules.
abc's of technical writing
wholistic technnical writing
this is a grat question wish i could help...
Johannes de Sacro Bosco in the late 15th Century.
the person who did this was ben Franklin I am trying to find the answers to this....and no the answer is not ben Franklin...sorry I agree it is not ben Franklin...good try though
An alphabet to improve writing efficiency.
Astral navigation, alphabetic writing.
Sumer contributed writing, because they were the pioneers of cuneiform writing.
They gave us alphabetic writing and astral navigation.
Ocean sailing, astral navigation, alphabetic writing.
A trading empire, inventing alphabetic writing and astral navigation.
Building a great trading empire, inventing alphabetic writing and astral navigation.
James Madison is the father of the US Constitution.