He invented the insert device, which was stuffed into a hole drilled in Napiers bones, which allowed a metal plank to go in. Although it wasnt a great improvement, his science in the insert device helped to the creation of Condoms by his son Samuel.
Very good question. Depending on what is being "invented" will determine the number of inventors. If an idea is considered an invention, then there are as many inventors as there are people :) But if if you wondering how many inventors there are concerning the "Slap Chop", there are probably around 4 or 5.
i would say inventors work in labs or large rooms where there is a lot of space.
St. Joseph is titled (from his approved Litany) the "Model of Artisans."
Necessity is the mother of all invention. Inventors invent because they or someone else has a need for something that does not exist.
Napier's Bones. It was a type of abacus.
John Napier
Because he wanted a simple calculating device. (It's "bones" actually.)
The abacus was invented several thousand years ago. There was nobody around to take a picture of the inventors. The forerunner of the camera was invented less than 200 years ago.
To have a type of abacus to use.
napiers bone
Abacus --> Napier's Bones --> Pascaline --> Leibnitz's Calculator --> Jacquard's Loom --> Babbage's Difference Engine --> Babbage's Analytical Engine --> Hollerith's Machine --> Mark I
He invented the insert device, which was stuffed into a hole drilled in Napiers bones, which allowed a metal plank to go in. Although it wasnt a great improvement, his science in the insert device helped to the creation of Condoms by his son Samuel.
China invented the abacus .
I do not think so.
napiers bone