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Addition was invented in 1539 by George Henry Maddick.

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Q: Who invented addition?
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Who invented the process of addition?

Michael stiple invented addition

Where was the addition sign invented?

The addition sign was invented in Oakland California.

Who invented the addition sign?

The plus or addition sign was invented by Michael Stiple in 1544

What was the person name who invented the addition?

No one knows.

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Who is Michael stiple?

The guy who invented the addition sign

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Because it was a new addition of Playstation 2.

How was addition invented?

Oh honey, addition wasn't "invented" like some fancy new gadget. It's just a basic math operation that humans figured out to combine numbers and make life easier. Someone probably realized they had two apples and two more apples, put them together, and thought, "Hey, that's four apples!" And just like that, addition was born.

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What was the mechanical device designed to perform addition invented in 1642 by a French philosopher?

Invented by Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), it was called a Pascaline, a mechanical calculator that used connected gears to perform additions.

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What year was the crackerjack invented?

Cracker Jack is an American brand of snack consisting of molasses-flavored candy-coated popcorn and peanuts, well known for being packaged with a prize of nominal value inside. In addition, the crackerjack was invented in 1893.