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According to Pappus of Alexandria, Archimedes' work on levers caused him to remark:

'δῶς μοι πᾶ στῶ καὶ τὰν γᾶν κινάσω'

which translates from Greek as:

'Give me a place to stand on and I will move the world.'

Therefore, the answer is Archimedes of Syracuse.

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Q: Who wrote this quote Give you a lever and a place to stand and you can move the world?
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What does VEX stand for robotics?

you mean what does vex stand for? Oh, it dosen't stand for anything, last year we were at the world championships and my teacher actually asked the president of Vex Robotics and he said that they pretty much chose it because it sounded cool.

What inventions help people or make the world a better place?

Inventions that help people or make the world a better place are:vehicles of all typesrefrigeratorscook stoveselectricitygarden tillers

What is an unclosed string literal?

The error "unclosed string literal" means that you wrote a double quote " somewhere but you didn't write another double quote later on to close the string. Note: You cannot start writing a string on one line and continue on another line, like this: System.out.println("Hello World"); If you absolutely want to distribute this over multiple lines, do it like this: System.out.println("Hello " + "World");

Why is lever action better for rifles and pump action better for shotguns?

They are both lever actions, in a way. It's a question of mechanics. Lever action rifles fell out of favor for a variety of reasons. Difficult to fire prone (lever travel), tubular magazines (blunt lead bullets only), loss of sight picture, I'm sure people can add their favorite. Pump actions weren't very popular for rifles for many of the same reasons. Tubular magazines aren't hazardous for shotguns because of the wide, blunt, plastic ends don't pose much hazard of igniting the round in front of it. The best shotguns in the world, and the best rifles for that matter, aren't lever action or pump, they are bolt or dual barrel.For firepower - Semi-auto gas or recoil w/ spring returnFor accuracy - Bolt/break actionFor a civilian compromise - lever action/pumpI've fired both. For a shotgun, fired at an angle from a standing position, the pump is more ergonomic than the lever. For a rifle, standing on a more horizontal plane, it comes down to preference.

What would the world be without engineers?

Without Engineers the world would never be imagined. There will not be any ease in life.No transportation,No concrete Building, No technology and software.Life will be dull and stand alone.

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Give me a place to stand and I'll move the earth?

This quote by Archimedes means that with a solid base or leverage point, one person can accomplish great things. It emphasizes the power of having a starting point or foundation for success and achievement.

Who said Give me a place to stand on and with a lever I will move the world?


Who said give me a lever and a place to stand and I will move the world?


Was it Archimedies that spoke about if you have the correct leverage you can move the world?

Yes, the quote "Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the Earth" is attributed to Archimedes. It illustrates the concept of leverage and the potential power it has to move large objects with the right mechanical advantage.

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His name is ArchimedesHe didn't invent this but he discovered leversHe boasted once that if he had a place to stand and a long enough lever, he could lift the world. He also calculated pi.

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Who wrote this quote If you had a lever big enough you could move the world?

According to Pappus of Alexandria, Archimedes' work on levers caused him to remark:'δῶς μοι πᾶ στῶ καὶ τὰν γᾶν κινάσω'which translates from Greek as:'Give me a place to stand on and I will move the world.'Therefore, the answer is Archimedes of Syracuse.

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ArchimedesAlternate Answer:The principle of the lever might be stated as; 'Give me a firm place to stand and I shall move the world.'This is the principle behind the lever, but it is also basic to every electric motor that exists, every gas engine that exists, every diesel engine that exists, every engine that exists and every rocket motor or jet engine that exists. It is far, far more important than 'the lever'. His principle did move the world into the Industrial and Rocket Ages and gave us electricity.He was possibly more important to Mechanics than Newton.Yes, it was Archimedes. You might inform you teacher.

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