The data bus of 8085 is 8 bit and so it will read or write 8 bits simultaneously.So it is Parallel Devise
Accumulator is a general purpose is a 8 bit register in 8085. it stores the temporary results of a current operation doing by is also called 'A' register
DMA stands for Direct Memory Access, in regards to 8085 MP. It consists of 2 pins, namely, HOLD and HLDA. The former of which indicates the processor that either a peripherial or any IO device, is requesting the processor to hold its current activites and give the control of buses to IO devices. HLDA, on the contrary, is the acknowledgement from the microprocessor to the concerned IO device sending the request.
Vss, also known as Gnd, is pin 20 on the 8085.
series-parallel curcuit
Provided that the power supply is reasonably well regulated, the failureor removal of one device in a parallel circuit has no effect on the others.
There are several meanings of parallel device. It can mean having two or more computers working on the same problem at the same time. This is called parallel computing. Or it can mean any device hooked up to the parallel port on a computer. Parallel ports are fairly obsolete, so you are less likely to see this version of parallel device in the future.
Depends, is the device serial or parallel?
it is used to interface between controller and peripheral device.. peripheral device otherwise called external device such as LED,LCD...
serial device
The name 8085 was given to the next generation of the 8080 to indicate 1.) that it was a next generation device and 2.) that it only required a single +5V power supply to operate.
It means an 8 bit parallel I/O interface, as opposed to 8251 which is a serial I/O.
DMA->Direct Memory Access. I/O device can access the memory without the help of CPU. So that there is faster access by the device. I/O device signals microprocessor by HOLD signal.
because 8085 is one of the landmark of 8-bit microprocessor history. it was more simple in construction than 8080. higher bit microprocessor can be understood very easily if one has prior knowledge of 8085.
8085 is a microprocessor designed by Intel
In the 8085, DMA (Direct Memory Access) is controlled with HOLD and HLDA. The HOLD signal is a request to release the bus. The HLDA signal is the 8085's acknowledgement of that request. HLDA means that the 8085 will release the bus in one half clock cycle, i.e. at the end of T3. The 8085 will remain in that hold state until HOLD is released, at which point it will take control of the buses again. The HOLD'ing device has complete control and can access any memory or I/O. Often, the 8237 DMA controller is used to provide sequencing of the operation. The 8237 DMA controller interfaces between up to four peripheral devices and the 8085. It provides an address register for each device so that the device does not need to do so. The device only needs to indicate that a byte of data is available, or is required, and the 8237 will take care of storing or fetching the byte.
In a parallel circuit, each branch has its own current flow, so there isn't a single device that has the smallest current. The current through each device is determined by its resistance and voltage applied. The device with the highest resistance will have the smallest current flowing through it in a parallel circuit.