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If you mean rotor blades, theoretically, only one (provided it is counterbalanced and moves fast enough). But you'll typically see two or more. Helicopters use more than one because it requires less rotor speed to get the same lift, and it also runs a lower risk of failure in the mechanical systems. Many rotocraft use four or five, and some up to six or seven blades. There are a few helicopters that use two main rotors, and they are counter rotating so that their torque cancels and a tail rotor is not necessary. But the mechanical complexity of these main rotor systems impinges on mechanical reliability.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

The number of blades is one aspect of how much weight a helicopter can carry. From the single rotor bladed Boelkow BO-102 that could only hover to the massive Mil Mi-12 with 10 blades and 4 engines that could lift 213,400lbs almost every design type has been attempted.

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βˆ™ 17y ago

The size of the helicopter, it's intended use, and how much weight it is ment to carry are all determining factors in how many blades are used.

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Why do some helicopters have more than 4 blades?

The number of blades required is proportional to the amount of lift required. There are several factors that affect the amount of lift produced by rotor blades. They are the shape of the air foil, the rotational speed, the angle of attack, the length of the rotor blades, and the strength of the blades. All of these have practical limits. Adding an additional blade helps keep all these parameters within practical limits.

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The alliteration for helicopters could be higher helicopters or heavy helicopters

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Yes, some opt to use helicopters for crop dusting.

What are some advantages of helicopters rather than airplanes?

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How are helicopters refueled in air?

Some large helicopters use 'drogue and hose' refuelling

Which way does the propeller turn on a helicopter?

On most helicopters, the main rotor turns in a clockwise motion. If you were sitting in the cockpit looking out the front, the rotor blades would swing from the left side 'round the front to the right side. French made helicopters are the exception, they rotate the opposite direction, which can cause some confusion for the pilot if they are not prepared.

Are there helicopters that do not make noise?

Not really. There are helicopters the reduce noice significantly but all helicopters make some noise. largely due to their engines. This is esspecially the case if they are powered by turbine engines. The blades that cut through the air also make some noise There was a helicopter that was built during Vietnam that made very little noise due to extensive modifications. It was called the OH-6 "Loach." It was used for special ops missions see this link

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