In C++ all names (including variables) must be declared before they can be used.
If you declare a variable inside of any fuction (except main) it will not be available to other functions.
turbo c
The need to declare header files is not compulsory in C++. You may place all your code in a single source file if you so desire. However, header files are useful in that they separate interface from implementation and aid in hiding information.
TLINK is the Turbo C++ linker utility. You use it to link the object files created by the Turbo C++ compiler.
No., If you want to declare you jus use _ in between so the declaration will be like int seg_no;
If you declare a variable inside of any fuction (except main) it will not be available to other functions.
How the turbo c plus plus use what in the computer.
Turbo C compiles c source. turbo c++ compiles c++ source code.
The company Borland developed Turbo C++.
Turbo C++ is Borland's integrated development environment (IDE).
You need to open the parentheses first. Then you can combine like terms (terms that have the same variable, or lack of variable).
turbo c
What is the variable of x plus 10 plus 4x-35?
A reference variable in C++ is a formal parameter of a function call that automatically dereferences itself, as if it were a pointer, into a reference to the original value in the calling routine. You declare the reference type in the function declaration and prototype, but the compiler automatically adds the reference (&) operator on call, and the dereference (*) operator on use.
Yes. If the ports are memory mapped, then you simply need a pointer to that address, and you need to declare the pointer as volatile. If they are I/O mapped, then you need to create an _asm{} block.