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int main(void)


int sum=0,n,i;


printf("\n Enter two no.");





return 0;


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15y ago
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15y ago



void main()


int a,b,c;


printf("enter a ,b values:");


printf("the addition of two no is:",c);



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14y ago

//write a program for subtraction of 2 numbers.




int a,b,d;

printf("enter 2 numbers :");



printf("subtraction of 2 numbers=%d",d);



enter 2 numbers : 3 2

subtraction of 2 numbers : 1

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14y ago



void main()


int a,b,sum;


cin<<"enter value of a";


cin<<"enter value of b";



cout<<"sum of two numbers="



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10y ago

//program to add two numbers



void main()


int a,b,c;

clrscr(): //its prototype or header file is conio.h

printf("\n enter first number :"); //its prototype or header file is stdio.h

scanf("%d",&a); //its prototype or header file is stdio.h

printf("\n enter second number :"); //its prototype or header file is stdio.h

scanf("%d",&b); //its prototype or header file is stdio.h


printf("\n the sum of two numbers is :%d",c); //its prototype or header file is stdio.h

getch(); //its prototype or header file is conio.h


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13y ago

Just declare, initialize, and subtract...

double a = 1.23456789;

double b = 2.34567890;

double c;

c = a-b;

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Yazie Bekalu

Lvl 1
2y ago
Tank you

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15y ago

Use ~ Ones complement operator and add one.

10 - 3 = 7

10 + ~3 + 1 = 7


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15y ago

int num0 = 0;

int num1 = 1;

int num2 = num1 - num0;

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11y ago

wap to subtract two variables

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