Prime number between 1 to 100
Dim flag As Boolean
flag =
For i = 1 To 1000
For J = 2 To i - 1
If (i Mod J = 0) Then
flag =
Exit For
flag =
End If
If flag = False Then
End If
Next i
good question! I'll write it in semi-program lingo, so you can translate it to visual basic language yourself later.
Fibonacci = 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 etc.
x = 1
y = 1
print x, print y
loop(parameters) //loop this function
z = x+y
print z
x = y
y = z
In this, you start with 1 and 1, then add them together and display that number. Then you set y equal to that number, and x equal to the number behind it. then repeat that.
This should give you the Fibonacci sequence.
Here's a simple, recursive Scheme procedure to find the nth Fibonacci number (n >= 0):
(define (fib n)(if (< n 2)n(+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
The same algorithm in C:
unsigned fib(unsigned n) {return (n < 2) ? n : (fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2));}
Note, there are much more efficient (but less easy to understand) ways of generating this sequence.
Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim I, N As Integer
N = InputBox(
"Enter number")
For I = 2 To N - 1
If N Mod I = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Next I
If I = N Then
End If
End sub
End class
Imports System.Console
Module fabonacci
Dim n, a, b, i, c, t As System.Int32
Sub main()
WriteLine("enter the number")
n = Console.ReadLine()
WriteLine("Fabonacci Series ....")
a = 0
b = 1
i = 0
While (i < n - 2)
c = a + b
t = a
a = b
b = c
i = i + 1
End While
End Sub
End Module
Same with other Visual Basic program, programming in FoxPro will require you to have the right syntax.
There have been many versions of Visual Basic. It is a program which allows you to write other computer programs. Each version of Visual Basic has come with an editor to allow you to write and edit code. This is called the "IDE", or "Integrated Development Environment".
find even number in array
In general principles, you can not run a visual basic compiled program from a website. Visual basic compiled program needs the library files required to run the application. So only when you install the application locally (onto your machine), the application can be executed.
The traditional way to learn any programming language is to start by writing a "Hello, World" program; this program should write "Hello, World" to the screen. To write such a program, you have to work out how to edit text, and run it through the compiler. Visual Basic, is almost like that, but window environment programs are event driven - they consist of routines that react to events - a button being clicked, a timer expering and so on. Visual Basic is also object orientated. Windows, buttons, every component of a program are objects or part of objects. With this in mind, its useful to read up on events and objects to see how to approach Visual programming. With a little knowledge, think of a project and try and write a program. Writing programs is by far the quickest way to become proficient in a language.
John Smiley has written: 'Learn to Program Databases With Visual Basic (Learn to Program)' 'Learn to Program Visual Basic Objects (Learn to Program)' 'Learn to Program with Visual Basic 6' -- subject(s): BASIC (Computer program language), Microsoft Visual BASIC, Visual Basic (Computer program), Visual programming (Computer science), Windows (Computer programs) 'Learn to Program Visual Basic 6 Examples' 'Introduction to Programming with Visual Basic 6 Part 2' 'Learn to Program Visual Basic Examples (Miscellaneous)' -- subject(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows, BASIC (Computer program language)
Same with other Visual Basic program, programming in FoxPro will require you to have the right syntax.
There have been many versions of Visual Basic. It is a program which allows you to write other computer programs. Each version of Visual Basic has come with an editor to allow you to write and edit code. This is called the "IDE", or "Integrated Development Environment".
arrays programms in visual basic
find even number in array
Visual Basic code is a program or library that has been written using the Microsoft Visual Basic programming language.
visual basic is required for program the softwares,games,calculators etc
Eric Brierley has written: 'Visual Basic 5 how-to' -- subject(s): BASIC (Computer program language), Microsoft Visual BASIC 'The Waite Group's Visual Basic 6 how-to' -- subject(s): BASIC (Computer program language), Microsoft Visual BASIC
A Visual Basic program.
You don't really need math to write programs in Visual Basic or most any other language unless the program is about mathematical situations. Understanding of mathematical logic concept (AND OR NOT IMPLIES) does makes thing easier.
Program in visual basic are the component being used by the programer that will give the user fast and easy way.