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# include <graphics.h> # include <math.h> # include <conio.h> # include <iostream.h> void DDALine(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int iColor); void main() { int gDriver=DETECT,gMode; int x1,x2,y1,y2,iColor; initgraph(&gDriver,&gMode,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); cleardevice(); cout<<endl<<"Enter x1 : "; cin>>x1; cout<<"Enter y1 : "; cin>>y1; cout<<endl<<"Enter x2 : "; cin>>x2; cout<<"Enter y2 : "; cin>>y2; cout<<endl<<"Enter COLOR : "; cin>>iColor; cleardevice(); DDALine(320,1,320,480,12); DDALine(1,240,640,240,12); circle(320,240,2); DDALine(320+x1,240-y1,320+x2,240-y2,iColor%16); getch(); } void DDALine(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int iColor) { float dX,dY,iSteps; float xInc,yInc,iCount,x,y; dX = x1 - x2; dY = y1 - y2; if (fabs(dX) > fabs(dY)) { iSteps = fabs(dX); } else { iSteps = fabs(dY); } xInc = dX/iSteps; yInc = dY/iSteps; x = x1; y = y1; circle(x,y,1); for (iCount=1; iCount<=iSteps; iCount++) { putpixel(floor(x),floor(y),iColor); x -= xInc; y -= yInc; } circle(x,y,1); return; }

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ygfgdcvhg jhc bcjhfdhvchv jchvhd bfg vuj uukyhikyhkhg hjhikfdhkh kjhkjh

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10y ago

You will need to have some computer knowledge to start this. You can find some examples to help out online.

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Algorithms are created using pseudocode, which is a combination of natural language (such as English) and commonly understood programming concepts. Pseudocode is a machine-independent language, but it is far too abstract for a machine to understand. It is intended for humans only. As programmers, our job is to translate these algorithms into a form the machine can process in order to produce the required machine-dependent code. For this we use programming languages, such as C, C++ and Java. The more abstract the programming language, the easier it is to convert an algorithm into working code. Of all the high-level programming languages, C has the least amount of abstraction, however we can make use of third party libraries to increase the amount of abstraction, or we can use the language itself to create our own abstractions.

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Not every program, no. An algorithm describes the procedural steps required to solve a particular problem using natural language. A program usually consists of many such algorithms, each of which can be defined as a function or a series of functions encapsulated by a class. The more trivial the function the less likely you need to write an algorithm.