1.Declare three variables as
int a,b,c;
2.Get the Input of two numbers of Integers from the user:
3.add a and b and store the result in c
4. print c
a write the algorithm to concatenate two given string
1. High accuracy. Comparing to Basic Incremental algorithm (especially if the slope were > 1.) 2. High speed. Comparing to Digital Differenmtial algorithm. 3. Draws the line between any two points. Comparing to Basic Incremental algorithm which can't draw if x0 > x1 ( the format is: (x0, y0), (x1, y1). )
flow chart to swap two number
These two algorithms are almost completely different. The only real similarity is that they are each designed to use only integer addition/subtraction and multiplication, avoiding expensive division and floating point operations.
algorithm GCD (a, b) is:while (a b) doif a > b then a := a - b else b := b - aend whilereturn a
a write the algorithm to concatenate two given string
Integer addition is simple adding two non-decimal numbers together. For example 2+2 is integer addition.
how to multiply two sparse matrices
1. High accuracy. Comparing to Basic Incremental algorithm (especially if the slope were > 1.) 2. High speed. Comparing to Digital Differenmtial algorithm. 3. Draws the line between any two points. Comparing to Basic Incremental algorithm which can't draw if x0 > x1 ( the format is: (x0, y0), (x1, y1). )
Examples: Write the first integer as it is, turn the subtraction into the addition, change the sign of the second integer, and follow the rules of addition. -7 - (2) = -7 + (-2) = -(7 + 2) = -9 10 - (-8) = 10 + (+8) = 18
flow chart to swap two number
You don't say that "an integer is closed". It is the SET of integers which is closed UNDER A SPECIFIC OPERATION. For example, the SET of integers is closed under the operations of addition and multiplication. That means that an addition of two members of the set (two integers in this case) will again give you a member of the set (an integer in this case).
These two algorithms are almost completely different. The only real similarity is that they are each designed to use only integer addition/subtraction and multiplication, avoiding expensive division and floating point operations.
write an addition story for two 3-digit numbers. write the answer to your story
1. Take the absolute values of those two integers.2. Find the difference.3. Determine which integer is the largest. If that integer is positive, then the answer is positive. If that integer is negative, then the answer is negative.
The rules for addition are as follows:The sum of two negative integers is a negative integerThe sum of two positive integers is a positive integerThe rules for subtraction are as follows:If they are two positive numbers, do it normallyIf there is a negative and a positive ,change it to addition and switch the SECOND integer sign
There are different formulae depending on what is known about the triangle:Base and height,Three sides,Two sides and included angle,Two angles and side,Coordinates of vertices,Plus other variations.A single algorithm to cover all these will be too complicated.