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Someone's coursework?! This function is for an array of integers, the length of the array is Count.

int MaxInt(NumArray as *int, Count as int)


int Inst;

int Result;

Result = NumArray[0];

for (Inst=0;Inst


if(NumArray[Inst] > Result)


Result = NumArray[Inst];



return Result;


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Q: Write an algorithm to find max of 10 numbers?
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Write an Algorithm for multiplication table of an integer?

int firstNumber,secondNumber for(firstNumber = min; firstNumber <= max; firstNumber++); { for(secondNumber = min; secondNumber <=max; secondNumber++); int result firstNumber * secondNumber; }

Write a c program to find the sum of numbers between given limits?

int sum (int min, int max) {return (max-min+1)*(max+min)/2;}

What is the algorithm for average of three numbers?

int secondmax (int a[], int n){int i, max, second;for (i=0; imax) second= max, max= a[i];else if (i==1 a[i]>second) second= a[1];}return second;}int middle (int a[3]){return secondmax (a, 3);}

Find largest value algorithm in c?

** pseudo code ** if array length == 1, return first element else if array length > 1 max = first element for second item to last item if item > max max = item return max else // array length is 0 error

How do you find the largest of 3 numbers in computer programming?

To find the largest of three numbers you must first find the largest of two numbers: int max (int a, int b) { return a>b?a:b; // or, equivalently: if (a>b) return a; else return b; } Now we can use this function to find the maximum of three: int max3 (int a, int b, int c) { return max (max (a,b), c); }

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To find the largest of three numbers, first find the largest of two numbers: int max (int x, int y) { return x<y?y:x; } Now you can use this one function to find the largest of three numbers: int max (int x, int y, int z) { return max (max (x, y), z); }

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int sum (int min, int max) {return (max-min+1)*(max+min)/2;}

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#define max (a, b) ((a) >= (b)) ? (a) : (b)

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Find the largest of two, then find the largest of that value and the third value. int* max (int* a, int* b) { return (a*) > (b*) ? a : b; } int* max_of_three (int* a, int* b, int* c) { return max (max (a, b), c); }

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int max (int a, int b) { return a>b?a:b; }

What is the algorithm for average of three numbers?

int secondmax (int a[], int n){int i, max, second;for (i=0; imax) second= max, max= a[i];else if (i==1 a[i]>second) second= a[1];}return second;}int middle (int a[3]){return secondmax (a, 3);}

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Write a program to find the largest of n numbers in java?

Assuming the numbers are integers, and they are stored in an array called myArray. The following has not been tested, but gives the general idea: int max; max = myArray[0]; for (int i = 1; i < myArray.length(); i++) } if (myArray[i] > max) max = myArray[i]; System.out.println(max); }Assuming the numbers are integers, and they are stored in an array called myArray. The following has not been tested, but gives the general idea: int max; max = myArray[0]; for (int i = 1; i < myArray.length(); i++) } if (myArray[i] > max) max = myArray[i]; System.out.println(max); }Assuming the numbers are integers, and they are stored in an array called myArray. The following has not been tested, but gives the general idea: int max; max = myArray[0]; for (int i = 1; i < myArray.length(); i++) } if (myArray[i] > max) max = myArray[i]; System.out.println(max); }Assuming the numbers are integers, and they are stored in an array called myArray. The following has not been tested, but gives the general idea: int max; max = myArray[0]; for (int i = 1; i < myArray.length(); i++) } if (myArray[i] > max) max = myArray[i]; System.out.println(max); }