

Best Answer

title ascending order using bubble sort

.model small

.stack 64


a db 34h,78h,56h,47h

si_ze dw $-a ;si_ze=no of elements



mov ax,@data

mov ds,ax

mov bx,si_ze

dec bx ;bx=no of passes needed to complete sorting(n-1)


mov cx,bx ;cx=no of comparisions to be performed in a pass

mov si,0


mov al,a[si]

inc si

cmp al,a[si]

jb go_on

xchg al,a[si]

mov a[si-1],al


loop inlup ;dec cx,until cx=0

dec bx

jnz outlup

int 3 ;breakpoint interrupt

align 16

end bubsort

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Data Segment

arr1 db 8,2,7,4,3 Data Ends Code Segment Assume cs:code, ds:data Begin: mov ax, data mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov bx, OFFSET arr1 mov cx, 5 mov dx, cx L1: mov si, 0 mov ax, si inc ax mov di, ax mov dx, cx L2: mov al, [bx][si] cmp al, [bx][di] jg L4 L3: inc si inc di dec dx cmp dx, 00 je L1 jg L2 L4: mov al, [bx][si] mov ah, [bx][di] mov [bx][si], ah mov [bx][di], al inc si inc di dec dx cmp dx, 00 je L1 jg L2 Exit: mov ax, 4c00h int

21h Code Ends End Begin

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