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Q: Fourteen horses took part in a race Three of the horses won a prize What percentage of the horses in the race won a prize Round to the nearest percent?
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What percent of horses in United States are quarter horses?


What jobs can you find that deals with horses and hires at the age of fourteen?

I don't think theres a job were you can paid for an horse but if you have past experience with horses try horse training.

Horses 50 percent and dogs 30 percent and 20 percent of cats bob's 20 animals how many of his animals are cats?

10 horses, 6 dogs and 4 cats.

What percent of horses are named Dakota?

umm..... about 5 % out of 10 %

What percentage of the horses body is water?

In a horses body there is a percentage of 80 to 90%! This might seem like a lot but did you know that a horse has the same amount as the human body. This is water in the human and horses body that makes us jiggle about when someone pushes us!

What percent of people rode horses during the medieval times?

50% - 80% of people rode horses during that time.

What percent of the horses in the US are owned for personal pleasure use?

Approximately 40% of horses in the US are owned for personal pleasure use, such as riding, showing, or companionship. The remaining horses are used for various purposes, including racing, breeding, and work.

If 33 out of 165 horses is brown what is the percentage of brown horses?

The answer to this is 20%. Take 33, divide it by 165, and you will get an answer of .20 which is also 20%.

What percent of animal abuse goes to dogs?

About 69% are dogs and horses.

Where do bucking straps fit on a horse?

Well ushally they are at the back of the saddle nearest to the horses tail. there should be about an inch and a half between the strap and the horses belly.

Where are most miniature horses located in the U.S.?

Of the nearly 78,000 miniature horses registered worldwide, more than 13 percent were in Texas. Over half of these horses sold were exported.

What is the percentage of male horses that are sold?

1%. The rest die in childbirth, as the mothering party.