1 Million acres
It has 825,000 acres.
Roughly 2,000,000 acres
640 acres
1500 acres
It depends on how large the ranch is. A ranch that is only 100 acres may only have 50 cows; "real" ranches that are over 1000 acres in size will have over 500 cows.
King Ranch is 825,000 acres. king ranch in Texas is, or was 1.2 million acres, 1300 square miles.
8000 acres.
There is no defined number and a ranch also lacks defenition. It you call it a ranch, the neighbors may be laughing but it is your ranch. (If you measure it in acres, then it probably isn't a ranch. When you measure it in sections then it is the real thing.)
King Ranch is 825,000 acres. king ranch in Texas is, or was 1.2 million acres, 1300 square miles.
Don Johnson has a 20 acre ranch, in California... In Texas we call that our back yard. Seriously it would be a matter of opinion. I would consider a small ranch a hundred acres or so.