3.5 million
Russia - 6,592,800 square miles.
Russia (Russian Federation) - 6,592,800 square miles. (largest in the world).
Part of Russia (west of the Ural Mountains) is in Europe. The Asian part of Russia to the east has large areas of sparse population. So, on average, Europe is probably quite a bit denser.
Russia (Russian Federation) - 6,592,800 square miles.
Europe - 3,930,000 square miles.
Russia is 6,592,800 square miles which is the same as 17,075,400 square kilometers.
France is the largest western European country at 551,695 km² (213,010 square miles) but Ukraine is larger 603,628 km² (233,090 square miles) and wholly within Europe. Larger still is Russia: just the part in Europe is 3,957,500 km² (1,528,000 square miles). So Russia is the largest European country, and the largest in the world as well.
Russia is the largest European country in terms of square miles.
Russia - 6,592,800 square miles
Russia is a country that spans both Europe and Asia, but only about one-quarter of Russia lies in Europe. Despite this, Russia is still larger than Europe by millions of square kilometers. Russia is the largest country in the world and is larger than three, almost four, continents. Russia - 17,098,242 km2 Europe - 10,180,000 km2
About 6.59 million square miles. another wiki answer said 3.8 million what did they do take over half of Asia i mean come on give me the right answer which one of you is telling the truth _________________________________________________________ Yes the total number of square miles in Russia is 6,592,800 miles. They must have only counted the part of Russia in Europe because most of the Asian half is barren arctic tundra.