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About 20 minutes to walk a mile.

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Q: What is the average time it takes to walk a mile?
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How long would it take to walk 0.05 miles?

It takes 20 minutes to walk 1 mile It'll take 10 minutes to walk 0.5 mile Therefore, 1 minute to walk 0.05 mile At the rate of 3mph, which is the average walking speed!

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It takes less time to walk a mile!

How many steps equals one mile?

The answer depends upon the length of a step. An average person takes about 2000 steps to walk a mile.

How do you walk a mile?

usually takes me anywere between 8-10 minutes if i walk normal pace but if i speed up and walk fast i can walk a mile in about 5 or 6 minutes but the average pace is usually anywere between 10 - 20 minutes

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it takes 6 to walk

How long does it take to walk 1.55miles?

On average it takes a person from 15-30 minutes to walk a mile. To walk nearly two miles it would take 30 minutes to an hour.

How many miles does 1790 steps equal?

The answer depends upon the length of a step. An average person takes about 2000 steps to walk a mile.

How many minutes are in a mile?

The number of minutes in a mile will vary depending on your pace while running or walking. On average, it takes most people around 12-15 minutes to walk a mile, while running a mile typically takes 7-10 minutes.

What time will it take for a horse to walk a mile?

The amount of time it will take a horse to walk a mile will depend on the horse. It will depend on the age of the horse, the speed in which it is walking, and if it is carrying a person or trailer with items on it. The horse walks an average of about 4 miles per hour.

How long is takes to walk 900m?

The time it takes to walk 900m can vary depending on your walking speed. On average, it would take around 10-15 minutes to walk 900m at a moderate pace.

How long does it take to walk 3.107 miles?

45minutes as is takes only 15 minutes to walk a mile.

How long does it take to walk three tenths of a mile?

That depends on how fast you walk. On average a person walks a mile in about 20 minutes, so it would take about 6 minutes to walk three tenths of a mile.