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Q: Is maintaining upright posture isometric contraction?
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Swayback -- aka swayback posture -- is one of several types of posture ... Also, maintaining a strong core is vital to a healthy upright posture.

How does the body maintain posture?

Several different muscles are used for maintaining upright posture. Muscles in the shoulder area play a big part as well as spinal muscles.

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upright posture...large brains

Do trout have upright erect posture?

No. Trout do not stand upright.

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What is strengthened and made straight so that the child's posture is more upright?

The strengthening of the SPINE makes it straight so that the toddler's posture is more upright.

What is a characteristic of hominids?

Bipedal locomotion, Upright posture

What is the muscle that helps to maintain upright posture?

well to awnser your question your stomach has alot to do with your upright posture and some of your spinel erectors play a role in this as well i hope this helps you...

The human rectus abdominis is definitely divided by four transverse tendons. These tendons are absent or difficult to identify in the cat. How do these tendons affect the human upright position?

The tendons in the human rectus abdominis act as focal points for muscle contraction, providing stability and support to the torso during upright posture. They help maintain proper spinal alignment and distribute forces evenly throughout the core muscles to prevent excessive strain on the spine. Their presence contributes to the overall strength and functionality of the abdominal muscles in supporting the body's upright position.

How does a brown move?

Generally on four legs. Upright posture is not for moving.

How do tendons affect upright posture?

because god make it this way^.>