2 girls are there
Yes. In fact, once over the age of 15, girls are twice as likely to become depressed than boys. This has to do with estrogen levels. More girls depressed than boys = more girls self harm than boys. This is not to say that boys do not, however, self harm. Because many do.
80 boys and 30 girls
if there are only 8 MORE boys then girls then there are: 14 girls and 22 boysif there are 8 TIMES more boys than girls then there are: 32 boys and 4 girls
Yes. In fact, once over the age of 15, girls are twice as likely to become depressed than boys. This has to do with estrogen levels. More girls depressed than boys = more girls self harm than boys. This is not to say that boys do not, however, self harm. Because many do.
275 girls, 325 boys.
17 boys 26 girls
Really, there are about 105-107 boys born for every 100 girls.
No there are more girls than boys on the planet earth!!!! GO GIRLZZZ some people might think so, but i have no idea. there might be more boys or there might be more girls. no matter how many boys or girls there are, girls will always be much better.
72 girls and 18 boys for a total of 90.
there are more boys in the world acording to the govament there is 3248080000 boys and there is 3214983000 girls (\___/) (='.'=) ('')-('')
A ratio of boys to girls was 3 to 7 and there were 200 more girls than boys there would of been 150 boys that enrolled in school this year. This is a math problem.