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The question is " How you can marry someone if you have been in this country for 10 years?"Now, i cannot understand clearly what do you mean. First, i assume that you do not have any legal status right now.Second, it is possible for you to marry and receive a green card if that was the original question. You have entered the USA legally through your J1 visa, due to that reason you will not be required to go back and re-enter USA legally again. The point is that you need a lawyer if you want to marry and apply for Immigration status. If they approve your petion the immigration officer will grant you a pernament resident card , probably conditional.Now, i am not sure about another one possibility here. You might have a chance to apply for immigration status without marriage if you prove that you have lived in the USA in that period of time. Eventually, you have to pay some fine and taxes , but i believe this is another alternative. However, you definitely need a lawyer for your case. I had a friend who was here for 9 years illigaly and she got married with good lawyer , she received her green card in 6 months, so cheer up there are always possibilities.

Good luck!

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Q: How can I marry someone if I have been in this country for 10 years after my J1 Visa expired.?
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