Well usually someone looks for good grammer in a boyfriend/girlfriend. So if i were you i would go back and check that first.
the same way you ask out a girl that dont have one
A regular user cannot ask more than one question at the same time.
The same way you asked this one.
ask her
You don't have to get a partner who does the same things you do. Ask her out!
You ask your Islamic questions the same way you asked this one; namely, by typing your question in the box that says "Ask us anything".
Answers.com only has one ask box. You can only submit one question at one time. Most websites that accept submitted data operate the same way. Wait in between submissions for best service.
Anything not prescribed by the same doctor. You should ask your doc on that one.
The same way you would ask out any girl. But if she's a really good friend dont ask her unless she likes you.
you can always ask someone you trust to find the answer on wikianswers or outside of it
Don't ask him, just in case he doesn't feel the same. Get one of your close friends or even one of his friends to ask him if he has any feelings for you. After finding out if he does, then tell him yourself good luck :)
No one really knows I ask myself the same thing