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u ask him if he is fifthteen, and is he like you :P

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Q: How do you know a 13 year old boy like you?
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yup he has boy like he 12 year old yup he has boy like he 12 year old

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Go up to the boy and say, " I like you, and I know we're to young to date, but will go out with me? I really like you, and I hope you feel the same way about me."

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Tell her you like never know maybe she likes you too. =)

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this is how you get a 9 old boy to like you just be your self

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No. no because if that boy dosent like u dont kiss him he just dosent know what he is missing

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No Justen bieverdoes not sounds like a two year old boy

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Be friends for a while and find out if you get feelings for him.