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Well, does a boy always smile at you, always calls your name to look at something? Well he likes you... is he your best friend if yes, then it is normal.. soo. if he flirts with you like making a sexual joke, then he obviously likes u

Hope this helps :)

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14y ago

you can't really ever tell, unless it is super obvious. for example he goes out of his way to talk to you or see you.

Well, i guess its not obvious when a boy likes you. But you can always tell when they sneak a glance at you or say hi WAY too often when they see. Just little things that maybe you dont notice... but they are doing it for you.

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14y ago

A boy likes you when they keep bothering you

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i think you should tell the boy how you feel

How do you know a boy like you or not?

You can tell that a boy likes you if he looks at you a lot or he will send you a note sating that he likes you

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Walk up to the boy and tell him or slip himm a note.

How do i tell if a boy likes you?

There is many ways, for each boy, it is different.

What sould you do when a boy likes you but he has a girlfriend?

Tell his girlfriend or tell him to dump her for you

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tell him you like him

Who do you know a boy likes you?

If they make you laugh or they tell you.

How do you tell if a mean boy likes you?

if he is being mean