An hour is a unit of time, a kilometer is a unit of distance. You can only compare two different units of measurement if they are measuring the same thing.
You can ask how many hours are in a day, or minutes in an hour.
Or how many inches are in a kilometer, or feet in a yard.
111 km.
4940 kilometers...... (1 degree latitude is equal to 111 kilometers)
4940 kilometers...... (1 degree latitude is equal to 111 kilometers)
Hours are a unit of time; kilometers are a unit of length. But 927 kilometers are approximately 17.24 hours
There are 1.609344 kilometres in one mile. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 111 kilometres is equal to 111/1.609344 = 68.97 miles.
one degree, about 111 kilometers at the equator.
1.85 hours are in 111 minutes (1 hr 51 min). 111 min ÷ 60 min = 1.85 hrs. 1.85 x 60 = 1 hr 51 minutes.
There is 1 hour and 51 minutes
It is: 1 hour and 51 minutes
2 hours 28 mins 111 miles
Hours are a measurement of time, kilometers are a measurement of distance. Do not try to work this out, it will not work.