As of 2014, you would have been born in 1998. A simple way to figure this out would be to take the current year and subtract 16 from it.
calculated in 2010 the year of birth was 1994.
If you are 16 years old, you were born 16 years ago. To determine the year you were born in, you would subtract 16 from the current year. For example, if the current year is 2023, you would have been born in 2007.
People turning 16 in 2015 were born in 1999.
In 1994
You were born in 1997.
subtract 16 from 1992
2010 - 16 = 1994
if your 16th birthday is in the year of two thousand and nine 2009-16=1993 you were born in 1993
If you were born earlier in the year, you would currently be 16. If you were born later in the year, you would be turning 16. (This is with a current date of 2012.)