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It depends

absolutly not! if anything ever happens, just go back on the fact that your older and bigger and better

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Q: Is it pathetic for a seventh grader girl to date a sixth grade boy?
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Is grade 7 math hard?

That would depend on what grade you're in, for a sixth grade, yes. but for a seventh grader just get help from your teacher. for anyone older than that.. no

Should a seventh grader go out with a sixth grader?

If you like him/her then yes.

What do you do if you are a sixth grader and the guy you like is a seventh grader and your skins are different?

get over it

What if you are in sixth grade and this guy that flirts with her and he is a seventh grader?

If he does flirt with you 24.7 then ask his best friend to ask him if he likes you then make that he likes you then ask him out.

Is it weird for a seventh grade girl to date a sixth grade boy if they really like each other and he is only a few months younger?

NoI'm a 7th grader and I'm dating a 6th grader, and hes hott!!!

What do you do if you are a sixth grader and the guy you like is a seventh grader?

Go out with him nothing is bad with that he is just a year apart

Is 111 a good IQ for a sixth-grader?

When I was in third grade, I had an IQ of 157, so having an IQ of 111 in the sixth grade is not so good. I am in seventh grade and I now have an IQ of 159. Although I was considered a genius in my class. I guess 111 is OKaayyyy, but, not exactly genius.

Should a 7th grader go to movies with sixth grader?

If its boy-girl, then the answer would be half and half. Depends. If it's girl-girl or boy-boy, there isn't really a problem unless that sixth or seventh grader has WAY too overprotective parents/guardians. How about you date your own grade first of all oh and yeah by the way you shouldnt be dating your in 6th grade

Is it okay to be in the 7th grade and like a sixth grader?

sure why not

Do seventh grade boys like sixth grade girls?


Do seventh grade girls like sixth grade boys?


What grade level vocabulary is the word insufficient?

Sixth or seventh grade.