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Well that depends. There's a lot of information missing here. Is the issue so big that it justifies him not speaking to you? And are you sure that you are right about something or are you trying to force your personal opinion on him? If you were right about something but somehow hurt his feelings in the process, yes, apologize. Or at least be willing to compromise on your views, in order to keep the peace. If you were right about something that is glaringly apparent and he's mad at YOU because you are proving that something is a certain way (something he is in denial about) and he's pouting and acting like a baby, then no you should not apologize. In fact, you should evaluate your relationship. Normal, healthy relationships don't break up just ecause someone is right or wrong in a discussion. ~ T

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Q: Is it right to apologize for something that you were right about in the first place just to get your boyfriend talking to you again?
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