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Complementary Goods

Goods that usually are consumed together; demand for one falls when the other's price rises; demand for one increases when the price of the other decreases. VCRs and videotapes are complementary goods; if VCRs become cheaper, people will buy more of them, and, consequently, demand for videotapes will increase.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

A pie cut into four equal pieces. Now cut one of those four pieces into two sections anyway you like and those two pieces together will equal ninety degrees (Unless of course you ate some of the pie.)

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Q: Real life example of complementary angles?
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What are real life examples of complementary and supplementary angles I need a brief descrption of where in the real world you see these types of angles.?

go to google or kismaass

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What are real life examples of complementary and supplementary angles I need a brief description of where in the real world you see these types of angles.?

Hey! you shouldn't be using the internet!! xD ha-ha

What is a real life example of a angles?

Shooting pool (billiards).

Real life example of congruent angles?

ice cube

What are real life examples of linear pair?

A real life example would be the two angles on the sides of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Supplementary angles in real life?

Everyday life contains supplementary angles, which are two angles that sum equals 180 degrees. One example is the angle of a tree branch in relation to the trunk.

What is a real life example?

Real life is a real life example!

What is a real life example of a cube?

a Television is a real life example of a Cube A dice is a real life example of a cube

When do you use angles in real life?

we use angles in everyday life by surveying constuction ,msurgery , military and sports .

Do Beyblades have real powers in real life?

No Beyblades do not have real powers in real life but you can do tricks with it by launching the beyblades in different angles and heights.

What is a real life example of an acute angle?

A right angle triangle always has 2 acute angles within it.