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i thnik everybody can agree on this we want a guy who is really cool to be around, someone who can treat us right, and we can believe anything that they say and we know that they WILL stay TRUE to us Although I am only almost 15, I have many friends who are and I believe I can help you. We want a guy who is true to himself but not a dork or nerd. Be cool, be funny, if you're a good athelete it's always a plus. You ought to be sweet but not a creepy stalker. Offer to do old-fashioned things like carrying her books or buying her lunch- but if you're an ATM it can be seen as desperate, so save the ONE rose (bouquets and corsages are overkill unless for prom or something) and cute earrings for her birthday. And back to "creepy" - no gifts until going out, it's desperate and odd. You have to dress well, be friendly, be funny (humor really is an important quality). Don't be perverted, don't be a total guy and shout "YEAH, GO FOOTBALLL!!!" every 5 seconds. I actually do know people who do that and they are scary. Hope that helped. Remember, you can always ask the Angel if you want any details or specifics, or if you have any other questions. Love, The Angel of Music.

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Q: What do 15 year old girls want in a guy their age?
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Girls mature about five times faster than guys do. So while a girl and a guy are 15... the guy may act like a 10 year old half the time. Girls don't want immature boyfriends. That's why they go for the older guys. Really True^ But some girls Dont Want Real old guys they just want a good age mature guy.

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Try meeting guys you own age.

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girls want a guy who will support them emotionally. we want a guy that will listen to us rant about our problems. we want a guy who would want to show us off to all of his friends even when its not our best day. girls want a guy who will be sweet and gentle, caring and understanding. but that just about never happens.

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Age is just a number.

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Well, i am a girl your age and I like it when a guy likes me for who I am. I like when a guy doesn't act too cool for anyone. If you want to ask her out, just do it! Girls are very interested in guys by this age. If she doesn't want to date, maybe she is just too shy or something. If I am wrong then i'm sorry i can't help you... thanks

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be the guy all the girls want (:

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A guy who loves them and is not ugly or a loser. And if you think she likes you then she probably does and do not ever be mean to her, we hate that.

Will you get a guy?

you will get a guy at age 4 to age 56. it just depends if the guy likes your personality for who you are, or if the guy likes girls that are popular and good looking. it all just depends on who you are.

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girls like guys that are older mostly because they want to get a serious relationship... and we actually get very horny and want a guy who is older and more experienced to fulfill them. Older guys have more experience, and less of the testosterone factor (ie a younger guy would probably want to "bang" as many chicks or use as many positions as they can, just to be cool). Younger guys take whatever they can get, but older men (and women) are more selective of who they're going to be with I guess..

How can girls tell a guy is hitting on them?

lots of ways but it can depend on the age of the guy. how old are we talking about?