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Not much! He's either married and doesn't want to start a relationship but enjoys your company, or he's simply a friend and enjoys your company. It's time to sit down and have a talk with this guy.

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Q: What does it mean when a man just wants to see you for an hour or two a day a few times a week and kiss and hug?
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generally, you don't say anything when a guy wants to kiss you. You usually just take the kiss.

How do you know whether the boy wants to kiss you?

He always wants to kiss you; he's just too nervous to make the move.

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if he wants to kiss you, don't be shy

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you dont... it just happens.

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anytime she wants to

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And this is a problem? Just go out with him, and kiss him if you want to.

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kiss her

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i think the perfect way to kiss is by letting the man know that you want to kiss him first and then kiss him if he wants to or let him kiss you and if you don't know if he wants to kiss you then just say that my friend wanted to know if you wanted to kiss me or some excuse like that ok.. that is just my advice OK you don't have to take it if you don't want to

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Then go ahead and kiss! Just don't go too far unless you want to.

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when you are to shy to kiss your girlfriend just give it time until the right moment or she wants to kiss you

How do you know a boy wants to kiss you?

Sometimes you can tell when he starts to get really close in your face and start leaning toward you than most of the times those are signs that he wants to kiss you.