Neither- its entirely up to you! the best is the one which is trained the best
u can trade a girl nidoran for a boy nidoran w/ a little girl sitting next to one of the underground tunnels.
Nidoran (boy or girl) evolves on level 16. Boy- Nidorino nidorino w/ moonstone = Nidoking Girl- Nidorina nidorina w/ moonstone = Nidoqueen
Grimer, Koffing, Nidoran Boy and Girl and their evolution chain.
There is only one daycare, and it is always random if it is a boy or a girl. Exeption: Rotoms and Phiones will always be genderless. Note: I do not know how it works for Nidoran.
A little girl in one of the underground paths will ask for a nidoran male if you give her one you will recieve a nidoran female.
When speaking statistically, Ekans would be stronger than Nidoran (Male) in terms of base stats. But, many things can influence the stats of a pokemon (drugs, more experience, etc.) Such things can make pokemon like Nidoran (Male) stronger than Ekans. But when a word like "better" is used, the question is a matter of opinion and can not have a valid answer.
From my opinion, any form of nidoran is better than gastly. Nidoran has more physical moves like poison jab. Koffing has smokescreen or something similar.
Gotta go w/ the original... Nidoran F & Nidoran M.
it is both it is better for a boy and a girl
nidoran female evolves into nidorina at 16. after that u need a moonstone to evolve into Nidoqueen. same story for nidoran male. 16 and then moonstone for nidoking
Nidoran GIRL evolves at level 16, same with boy. To get Nidoking and/or Nidoqueen, you need a moonstone to evolve it.