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Q: What is positive objective?
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Why is it important to be objective when observing?

It is important to be objective when observing because when we are objective we are expecting positive things about the child instead of talking about the child in a negative way

What are positive statements and objective explanations?

Positive statements are generally regarded as those which encourage an optimistic viewpoint. You can do it! Objective explanations are those which are unbiased and are based on honest observation and logical thought.

Is positive economics subjective or objective?

It is both. Of course there are certain elements of economics that are undoubtedly objectively true, however, positive economics more often than not bases its conclusions on assumptions, and so, by the very fact of using these assumptions to arive at an objective truth, you are making a value judgement, therefore, more often than not, positive statements are objective conclusions based on subjective premises.

Is micro economics positive or normative?

Positive, it's all about having objectives that can be tested, amended or rejected with the help of evidence or an objective explanation.

What is the objective of MakaMisa?

The objective of MakaMisa is to provide a platform for users to connect and share their thoughts, ideas, and interests with others in a positive and engaging way. It aims to foster a sense of community and belonging among its users.

How do you differentiate philosophy from the positive science?

Sience is objective and requires empiracle evidence. Philosophy is subjective and does not require empiracle evidence.

What objective lens is the longest?

The longest objective lens commonly used in microscopes is the 100x (oil immersion) lens. This lens provides the highest magnification, allowing for detailed visualization of cellular structures.

What are the positive and negative of the moon?

Positive * It lights up the earth at night * It gives us a talking opint * It is an objective to reach * It gives us tides, and tidal power Negative * It encourages werewolves!

What is the objective of financial PR companies?

Financial public relations companies specialize in messaging for financial institutions or, more broadly, for-profit corporations. The objective generally is to promote the brand(s) and increase their positive public image.

Is objective constructive criticism a good or bad thing?

Generally, objective and constructive criticism is considered a good thing as it helps to provide positive feedback about a person or plan. However, one must be careful in how one delivers said criticism.

Examples of positive and normative statements?

Positive economics deals with objective explanation and the testing and rejection of theories. Positive statements are objective statements that can be tested or rejected by referring to the available evidence.For example:A rise in consumer incomes will lead to a rise in the demand for new cars.A fall in the exchange rate will lead to an increase in exports overseas.Normative statements express an opinion about what ought to be. They are subjective statements rather than objective statements - i.e. they carry value judgments.For example:The level of duty on petrol is too unfair and unfairly penalizes motorists.The government is right to introduce a ban on smoking in public places.

What is forward movement?

Forward movement refers to progress or advancement in a particular direction. It involves moving or developing in a positive way towards achieving a goal or objective.