Both are valid.
175 litr
i dont know lol
Bath tubs come in a variety of sizes but I suggest 0.1 kilolitres.
No, most tubs will hold almost twice that.
75-80 liters for an average bath- up to about 140 liters if filled to the overflow drain.
a bath in a tub
you would use gallons to measure the capacity of a bathtub
No. because a liter would be the size of a milk jug most of the time.
tub baths are when you take a bath inside the stone in a tub
The exact amount of water in a bath tub can vary depending on the size of the tub. On average, a standard bathtub holds around 80-150 gallons of water, which is equivalent to approximately 300-570 liters or 300,000-570,000 milliliters.